(Aircondition and Wi-Fi is included)
Standard Comfort
Room for 1 Person a night incl. Breakfast 1300 TL
Room for 2 Person a night incl. Breakfast 1800 TL
Room for 3 Person a night incl. Breakfast 2700 TL
Room for 4 Person a night incl. Breakfast 3400 TL
Hide in Natural Garden
Garden house with TV, Fridge and Balcony for 4 Persons a night incl. breakfast 4000TL
Garden house with TV, Fridge and Balcony for 5 Persons a night incl. breakfast 4800TL
Camping in the Garden
Tent Place 1 Person 300 TL
Tent Place 2 Person 550 TL
Tent Place 3 Person 750 TL
Breakfast 1 Person 250 TL